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A Stand Alone Touring Exhibit from
The Traveling Dinos Museum and a unique experience celebrating and focusing on 4 iconic dinosaur groups! 


Welcoming Families to the Dino Squad Exhibit
Checking out the velociraptor in the exhibit
Studying Fossils under the Microscopes at Dino Squad
Up Close Study at the T. rex exhibit table in Dino Squad
"Mr. Daniel this was the best day ever!"

"Mr. Mark, This was my most favorite place I've ever been"

Plus, we get to hear their stories of shark's teeth & fossils they've found, see the kiddos that don't want to leave, and all of this makes for an incredible connection that many kids will never forget! 
The Adventure of Dino Squad Beckons
The Phil Wilson Paleo Art Mural is featured in Dino Squad

The Expedition Begins
Just Imagine- What if we created another touring exhibit from the museum, that was also economical like the Sea Monster Adventure?
What if we focused exclusively on 4 Kid favorite and iconic dinosaurs; T. rex, Triceratops, The Long Neck Sauropods like Diplodocus, and the Velociraptor? What if we featured the incredible fossils, models (Yes, plastic dinos rule!), the paleo art of Phil Wilson, and fantastic dino books?
What if we offered it in the style of The Museum and The Sea Monster Adventure in three stations: 1. The Welcome, Book Talk and Fossil Touch Beginning, 2. The Guided Tour, and 3. Free Explore with the the magnifying glasses and digital microscopes. Plus, as a huge surprise, what if the kids could come face to face with a full size velociraptor skeleton?

Those "What ifs" have a way of growing their own legs! Welcome to Expedition: Dino Squad, A Special Traveling Dinos Exhibit featuring The Velociraptor Encounter!
You supply 6 tables, and the space, and we bring the rest.

Let's Dig into The Dino Squad

The Expediton: Dino Squad is the Second spinoff and Stand alone museum smaller exhibit of the larger Traveling Dinos Museum experience, perfect for intimate spaces, like the library, music, art, or "specials" room etc..

It's more economical than bringing in the full museum, and perfect for a grade level, Title 1 special event, Book Fair event, Science Special, and more.

Developed for today’s kids, it moves from passive to active throughout the 45 minute to an hour visit.

Expedition Stations in 3 Parts

First, a Welcome and amazing fossil touch experience, along with stories and book talking!

Second, an expedition into the exhibit with a guided tour.

Third, The Visit rounds out with free explore with magnifying glasses and digital microscopes.

And then the finale, with kids face to face with The Velociraptor Experience

From the fabulous background art of Disney and Paleo Artist, Phil Wilson to the fossils, museum quality models, great books, and stories- Expedition: Dino Squad comes to life in your space, and this is a kid/ family pleasing winner! 

A Perfect to Compliment to

A Prehistoric History/Science Unit
Fossil Study
Prehistoric Life
Study of Ancient Animals

Or Because It’s Just Plain Cool!




Bring This Wonderful Experience to Your Kids Today!


Call Tami at 800-848-5634 or to arrange a Day and/or Family Involvement Evening Visit. Your Young Ocean Lovers
will Love You for It!
Economical and Perfect for Smaller Spaces


The high interest Triceratops Collection in Dino Squad
Dino Squad Hands on Fossil Time
Mark Daniel Magical Storyteller Dino Storytelling for a group
The Dino Squad Sauropod Fossil Table

Dino Squad & Books:

A Reading Focus!

Mark's lifelong work with Children's books and reading continues with Traveling Dinos, Expedition Dino Squad and The Sea Monster Adventure.

From the beginning, to the end, books are incorporated in a way seen in no other museum/exhibit. As reference points, explanations, inspiration, and sheer fabulousness, great books help the exhibit come to life for your kiddos!

Did you know every classic children's fiction/non fiction series features at least one dinosaur book?

Terrific New Science Fiction and Science Non- fiction is coming at a rate like we've seen with few other areas of interest.

Over and over we've seen hard to reach kids connect with something in the museum that captivates them, which opens the pathway for you to guide them in areas of interest.

One of the coolest things that happens regularly is when we see a kid sitting in the middle of the hubbub of the visit leafing through one of the displayed books, lost in the pages.

Magic does happen here!
After all, it's what we do!
You did know you were in the Magic Business right?

This Visit Supports

STREAM Objectives


and celebrates the some of the most famous animals that ever roamed the earth!


Call Tami Today to Schedule Your Visit at 800-848-5634 or

An Adventure is Afoot: Dino Squad
Family Involvement at Dino Squad

Dino Squad, Traveling Dinos, & The Sea Monster Adventure are Awesome Choices for a Fun Family Involvement Night!

Inviting Expedition: Dino Squad is Easy Peasy!

Tami or Mark will work with you on the best dates, and Tami is an expert at helping you with group scheduling. We bring everything with us, you provide the space, the tables, and wonderful humans. (Approximately 6 tables.) We'll provide you with a guide to help you prepare and also understand the experience from start to finish.

Funding Ideas other groups have used are: 

  • In House Field Trip

  • Title 1 (there is a strong book and reading tie- in)

  • Community Sponsors

  • Book Fair


  • Grants

  • Ticket Sales

  • Complete Info Here

Contact Tami Today to Bring this Amazing Exhibit Adventure to You!

800-488-5634 or 336-492-7870

Discover the Complete

Traveling Dinos Museum,

Click here

Dino Squad is an Exhibit of  Traveling Dinos

The Exhibit is Great for Daytime Visits and Perfect for Family Involvement Evenings!

The Pertinent Info:

It's easy to invite and host this exhibit, you provide the space, and some tables. We bring the rest.

Expedition: Dino Squad with hands on and active participation is suited for up to 40 kids per seating or a class or two small classes. Approximate Length is 45 minutes per session.

A Half a day fee is 3 seatings, a full day fee is 5 seatings

Add a Family Night Visit to the exhibit for just a bit extra.

Note: Want an even more immersive and complete museum experience? Invite The Traveling Dinos Museum.
E mail us at or call 336-492-7870 or 800-848-5634 Today

Family Involvement Done Easy Peasy

Ideas for ways Dino Squad, The Sea Monster Adventure Exhibit  and TheTraveling Dinos Musuem have been used by

other Schools as a tie in with:

  • The Book Fair, before, during, and after.

  • Title 1 Family Involement & Daytime Reading Related Events

  • Full Curriculum Focus

  • S.T.E.M. Day/Evening

  • In House Field Day Trip with Optional Family Night Activities

  • Dinovember

  • Special Specials and More!

  • Maybe one of these ideas is perfect for you!

The Dinosaurs of Dino Squad
Traveling Dinos Family of Visit Options

Expedition: Dino Squad

is a part of the

Family of Presentations of

The Traveling Dinos Museum

Mark Daniel Magical Storyteller


Note: Based on our travel schedule, you'll always hear from us within 24 to 48 hours. (aside from Holidays) If you haven't noticed a reply please check your spam folder. Thanks!



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Mark Daniel's programs have motivated, inspired, and entertained over 3 million children in thousands of schools and libraries throughout the US!


Administrators are often amazed by his ability to connect with students; Kindergarten through the 5th grade level. Gentle, respectful, and fun, students love experiencing the adventure of great books with Mark!


Affordable, Dependable, On Message,

Title 1, PTA/PTO, Field Trip, and Book Fair Fundable!



If you've had your fill of bringing in authors and other speakers that while important educationally, just can't connect with your kids, please consider a presenter that's on time, on message, easy to work with, delivers, and has your students and faculty asking "when can we have Mark back."

 Hold your head high afterwards as you accept the kudos for a job well done for your work on the assembly or special event!


Enjoy a performer who many say "has the gift to inspire!" and school after school calls

"The Best Assembly of The Year!"

Give Tami a call at 800-848-5634 or email us to Invite Mark Daniel, Magical Storyteller Today!


​​© Copyright 2025 Mark Daniel      

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