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school family involvement night ideas
The Mission:  Attract your school families to the school for an Evening Family Reading Event.
The Solution: A Very Magical Family Reading Night with Magical Storyteller and Reading Ambassador,
Mark Daniel!
A Very Magical Family Reading Night Celebrates with the Best Books Ever
About The Program

Mark is invited throughout the country to present this unique and impactful evening.

A Very Magical Family Reading Night grew out of a desire to connect parents and their children with the notion that a good book shared is a treasure for the whole family. In the day to day hustle and bustle of our lives, it's so easy to put aside the good intentions of read aloud. Sports, homework, video games, and technology in general all vie for our attention today and our beloved books often get pushed aside for later.

The sweet, fun, and powerful message of Mark's program serves as a wonderful refocus and exclamation point for your families.

Throughout the school year Mark is invited to share his program during: Family Reading Night, PTA Meetings, Book Fair, Literacy Festivals, Family Enrichment Night, RIF and Title 1 night.

Whether as a part of a full day visit that boosts evening attendance through promotion at the daytime assemblies or as a stand alone event, A Very Magical Family Reading Night is a powerful message and fun event for your school.


A Family Affair

A Very Magical Family Reading Night Program is indeed appropriate for the whole family. Books come to life through puppetry, magic tricks, storytelling, book talking, and interactive audience participation and the virtues of at home read aloud. The program closes with a powerful, and motivational finale that kids will think is cool and adults will find inspirational.

After the program Mark meets the kids and their folks, chatting, autographing, and finding out about their favorite reads.

It's time well spent!

Highlights of The Visit


From the Get-go, the fun and joyous celebration of reading and great books is on!

Mark and Steggie the Stegosaurus share the  hilariously fractured fun of Pete The Cat and The Bad Banana!

A boy with a gift comes to life in the heartwarming retelling of the inspiring  and beloved book, Tomie dePaola's

The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush

Your families and kiddos help in an interactive celebration of the genius of illustrator Herve Tulet with Press Here


Plus, more great books, fun, inspiration

and an incredible stage set!

Add in a strong family read aloud message and terrific music all combined for a fun and impactful Very Magical Family Reading Night! It's a home run for the success of your family night.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the material in the family night program differ from your daytime assembly?
Yes, and in conjunction with the daytime assembly, it's one of the great selling points for your students. Children want their parents to share in the incredible event that they've experienced during the day.
It also helps make sure their folks bring them back that evening to see an all new program. There are some underlying themes that carry through from one program to the next, which empowers kids through familiarity.

How long is the performance?
When Mark is "in concert" presenting the full program it is a powerful approx. 50 minute presentation. The performance can be customized for a shorter time frame to fit your needs due to PTA/PTO meetings or the need for multiple performances. Just let us know your needs.

Can Mark come to our school just to present 

The Family Night Program?
Certainly! While the ultimate way to build attendance for the evening program is by promoting it through the daytime performance, which many schools do, it stands alone fine. As a promotion helper, we can provide a promo flyer for duplication to send home with your students or post to your social media outlets.

What's the best way to use the program?
The Family Night Program is great to tie in with a PTA meeting, Family Reading Night, The Book Fair, Title 1 Family Night, RIF night, fundraising dinner, and even just for fun!

Please give Tami a call at 1-800-848-5634 or

and we'll help you plan an

Awesome Family Reading Night.


A Note to Title 1 Teachers

Title 1 Reading Specialists frequently use Mark's Family Reading Night, Din Osquad and Sea Monster Adventure to bring fun and inspiration to their Family Involvement Gatherings.


Literacy Nights, Book Fair Family Night, Family Fun Reading Nights, and Title 1 PAC Meetings can be great fun and important evenings for your families. Mark loves being invited to be a part of them with A Very Magical Family Reading Night. Actually, having participated in hundreds of these events here's some ideas he's seen that work well with the flow of the evening. You may want to draw from some of them for your event. You can keep it simple or turn it into a full blown reading festival, your choice.



Simple and Lovely Turnkey:

5:30 PM Folks start checking in

6:00 PM A Very Magical Family Reading Night presentation with Mark in concert begins, sometimes with a 10 minute PAC/PTO/PTA meeting up front. Visiting and autographs afterwards, and generally the Tittle 1 team has arranged for a book for the kids to take home.

Evening is complete by 7:30.

The Deluxe: add Food

  • 5:00 PM Families check in and have pizza or hot dogs, etc.. (Pizza seems to be the #1 favorite), plus above (Remember kids eat and are finished in about 15 minutes)


The Fantastic: The Literacy Festival

  • 5:00 PM Families check in and have pizza or hot dogs (Pizza seems to be the #1 favorite), then fan out for any and all of these activities (Remember kids eat and are finished in about 15 minutes):

  • Make a Bookmark craft table/s (10 minutes)

  • Guest reader stations with kids rotating throughout the school. (Local popular sports and civic leaders are always a hit. This is best at a full blown literacy festival)

  • Book Swaps (Bring a book, take a book) 10 minutes

  • Free Book Distribution (at the beginning or end of evening) Kids pick from a table of selections separated by grade level) 10 minutes

  • Between 6:00 and 6:30 PM Gather the group for Mark's presentation: A Very Magical Family Reading Night (50 minutes)

  • Afterwards visiting and autographs. (10-15 minutes - This is a very meaningful time, by the way, visiting and talking with kids and their parents about the books they like or might enjoy)

The Evening is completed around 7:30-8:00 PM. It's a wonderful event for your families, just have lots of helpers to make everything run smoothly.

  • You can even add in the Book Fair for a huge festival like atmosphere.

A Family Reading Night can be a valuable, meaningful and impactful evening for kids and families. Sometimes in ways we can see, sometimes beyond what we will ever know.

I have seen the impact first hand. And it's a passion and a mission of mine to shine a positive light on reading and perhaps affect change in a good way, one reader at a time.

I know it's your goal as well. It's a noble aspiration!

Planning Tips
Awesome Hand Drawn Poster for Family Reading Night
Contact Us

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Note: Based on our travel schedule, you'll always hear from us within 24 to 48 hours. (aside from Holidays) If you haven't noticed a reply please check your spam folder. Thanks!


Looking For More Unique Family Involvement Ideas?

Something Different, STEM and Reading Related?

Dino Squad & The Sea Monster Adventure

Fit The Bill as Fantastic Evening 

Family Events!


Click The Memes for Full Info on These Amazing Options

Both of These Touring Exhibits are a Part of The Full Traveling Dinos Museum

Mark Daniel Magical Storyteller


Note: Based on our travel schedule, you'll always hear from us within 24 to 48 hours. (aside from Holidays) If you haven't noticed a reply please check your spam folder. Thanks!



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Mark Daniel's programs have motivated, inspired, and entertained over 3 million children in thousands of schools and libraries throughout the US!


Administrators are often amazed by his ability to connect with students; Kindergarten through the 5th grade level. Gentle, respectful, and fun, students love experiencing the adventure of great books with Mark!


Affordable, Dependable, On Message,

Title 1, PTA/PTO, Field Trip, and Book Fair Fundable!



If you've had your fill of bringing in authors and other speakers that while important educationally, just can't connect with your kids, please consider a presenter that's on time, on message, easy to work with, delivers, and has your students and faculty asking "when can we have Mark back."

 Hold your head high afterwards as you accept the kudos for a job well done for your work on the assembly or special event!


Enjoy a performer who many say "has the gift to inspire!" and school after school calls

"The Best Assembly of The Year!"

Give Tami a call at 800-848-5634 or email us to Invite Mark Daniel, Magical Storyteller Today!


​​© Copyright 2025 Mark Daniel      

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